The latest news from the film adaptation of the game is eagerly awaited by lovers of online games, Warcraft the movie. Reportedly the film has been linked with two of the top in their field, actor Jack Sparrow in The Pirates of Carribian Johnny Depp and director of the film Moon, Duncan Jones.
The Hollywood Reporter broke the news that Jones, the man behind indie films Moon and Source Code, has signed to direct the film from Legendary Pictures. This is reinforced by the statement on Twitter. "So the challenge has been thrown a couple of years ago: Can you make a FILM of video games. I always answer might be. DO have right now, "Jones chirping.
So the gauntlet was thrown down ages ago: Can you make a proper MOVIE of a video game.Ive always said its possible.Got to DO it now!
- Duncan Jones (@ ManMadeMoon) January 31, 2013
Warcraft will likely become the first Hollywood films that require a large budget, which is expected to spend approximately $ 100 million compared with Source code that just spent $ 35 million. This film began work in the fall of 2013 and is expected to be present in 2015.
What about Captain Jack Sparrow? It seems there is no definite news for Johnny Depp's involvement in the Warcraft movie. Tracking Board is the only source that provides such rumors and does not provide further details.

Jack Sparrow will be Log Warcraft Movies
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